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This opens the Word Options dialog click the Advanced link on the left side and scroll all the way down to the bottom, then click the File Locations button: Look at the UserTemplates line most likely it will be cut off: More items.With thҽ hҽlp of thҽ macro ҽditor, you can automatҽ sҽvҽral procҽssҽs, such as rҽplacing cҽrtain linқs or rҽmoving cҽrtain words and rҽplacing thҽm with othҽrs. Office 2013 To locate the Office Templates folder, open any Word document, click the File tab and then the Options link on the left side. After you choose Word Template, the Where option in the dialog box changes to My Templates. Open the Format menu and choose Word Template. How do you make a microsoft word template?įollow these steps to create a Word template from a Word document: Open the Word document you will use to create a template. Alternatively, you can download a template from a third-party website, just make sure it is in a Word format. This will show you your existing templates and provide you with a bar to search for templates online. Open Microsoft Word and click the "File" tab. How do i download microsoft word templates? Click in the search field to the right of “ Templates.” Type a keyword or keyword phrase that describes the style of template you want to use. Click on “File” in the menu bar and select “New.” A list of available templates will display on-screen. Frequently Asked Questions How do i download microsoft templates?ĭownloading a Template from Microsoft Word Open the Microsoft Word application.